Are you interested in having your writing published? The Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy (CJLPP) welcomes submissions for both our print issues and our blog.
Qualifications for Print
We are now receiving academic papers for our upcoming edition. Our Journal is especially receptive to research papers, senior theses, and independent studies or final papers written for classes. Students in any field of study are encouraged to submit their work, so long as their piece relates to law or public policy. Feel free to check out our archives for examples of past pieces. There is no length constraint, but papers we publish tend to be at least 5-6 pages long.
While we welcome pieces on any topic within law and policy, in this coming issue we will prioritize papers that seek to explore issues related to racial justice. It is our hope, as we highlighted in our statement, to provide a forum for writers to engage with and shine a light on the ways in which racism has pervaded all aspects of society.
Please submit your work (Microsoft Word documents ONLY) and direct questions to . We use the Bluebook style for citations.
Selected pieces will be published in the print edition of the Journal. Other pieces may be selected for online publication only. Additionally, we welcome digital content submissions as well (see below).
Qualifications for Digital Content
Our digital forum is a more accessible and abbreviated version of our hard-copy publication. Pieces published on the blog are often based around current events, but they are not limited to these topics. The most important factor that we are looking for in submissions is the quality of legal or public policy analysis of an issue or current event. The scope of this issue can be large—themes relevant to international law or Constitutional questions—or they can be relatively small in scope—questions surrounding a local law or public policy debate. The best submissions will fully answer these questions: what is the significance of this issue? Why does it matter?
We find that 600-900 words are usually sufficient to explore a subject to the appropriate depth, but we’re flexible! Please keep in mind, however, that we are seeking accessible analysis of a law or public policy question understandable to a wide variety of audiences.
Reputable web sources are sufficient for submissions, but more intensive legal research is welcomed. Please hyperlink sources appropriately—Bluebook citations are not necessary.
Keep your eyes on the blog if you are interested in submitting a piece! We publish regularly throughout the week, so please take into consideration the pieces that we have already published when choosing your topic. A diversity of content is always appreciated.
Please email work and direct questions to Chris Tan ([email protected]) and Izzy Davis ([email protected]).